For some reason Isadora immediately made met think about Hitchcock’s Rear Window. I suspect it was sparked by the in class demonstration when Andrew showed how Isadora can be used to make many tiny duplicate video frames play simultaneously on a single stage. Each little frame is like a window into its own story. This is what I love about Rear Window. It has influenced many of my own stories and films. I love frames within a frame. And as a story junkie, a sea of windows each housing a unique narrative is always alluring. Throw in the part of the assignment that required us to use a live feed and immediately I thought of spying as my theme. It was just an exercise to prove we did the Isadora tutorial, but at least it turned out a wee bit creepy.
The second part of our assignment this week was to do a perspective drawing. I am honestly not remotely talented in this field. Even the strides I made last semester in animation class never quite encompassed perspective drawing. BUT my desire to do it well overshadowed my actual abilities as of yet. This led to the partially finished drawing I wanted desperately to complete to the left, but haven’t. And the simple one that fulfilled the assignment to the right.
The first one was supposed to resemble one of my favorite shots of old New York, but the details became a bit too much for my current time constraints. As you can see from the comparison, my problems started right from the beginning — blasted perspective! I will best you one of these days!!!