Jamie's Mad Scientist Lab

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mPower Me — The Full UX Process

ELEVATOR PITCH: Ever wonder why Prius drivers are the most annoying drivers on the road? It’s because once there’s a live feed of the miles per gallon, the game of getting the best MPG outweighs speedy driving. I can confirm […]

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The Prius Effect

This week I spent some time emailing back and forth with Andrew Milmoe at GE Digital. He gave me options of things to use for my UX project. The project I found that might be most useful was a system […]

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UX at GE Digital

  Andrew Milmoe came to speak at NYU ITP this week about interaction design at GE Digital. The UX of the type of systems he works on is pretty incredible. Since we need to build a UX project about anything […]

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UX of Everything

After completing a large UX project for  Hudson River Foundation, it got me thinking about UX Design outside of simple web and mobile applications. As interesting as it has been learning how to test usability in regards to these mediums, […]

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Your Hudson + Harbor UX Design

Your Hudson + Harbor is a new non-profit organization birthed from the merger of the Hudson River Foundation and the Harbor Estuary Program. Together the two NGOs focus on developing scientific research, providing leadership, integrating and disseminating information and coordinating […]

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Research, Research, Research and Analysis

I would say the number one surprising thing that occurred to me this week about UX Design is the importance of research and analysis. Before now, I understood everything was based on testing and iteration, but the artist in me […]

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Hudson River Foundation

UX design this week got a whole lot more interesting. For our next project, we are working with a real client, Hudson River Foundation. We heard directly from the client in class and were able to ask numerous questions clearing […]

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E Commerce: Adventures in Toyland

This project was as much an adventure in information architecture as it was in learning Axure! Fortunately both proved to be worth while endeavors.   After reading the brief for Little Einstein Toy store, the first order of business was […]

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Design Verses Usability

A few quick thoughts on UX design mid our eCommerce project. I realized that designing from the perspective of the user experience was great until suddenly we needed one more button than I found visually pleasing. Design and usability are […]

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Subway Mate

SUBWAY MATE PROBLEM: My partner, Sicong, lives in New Jersey. She commutes into New York often, but not often enough to buy unlimited metrocards. Sicong has trouble remembering if she has money left on her card and often ends up […]

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