Jamie's Mad Scientist Lab

Home / Sensory Driven Storytelling

Ninja VR

Good news!!! Since my last post, I did in fact solve the final iOS developer hiccup. With the help of Shawn Van Avery, I found the last little box to check to make the Xcode launch apps onto my phone. There […]

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Adventures in Cardboard

I am determined to build a cardboard game for my final project. This week we were supposed to do a small project that connects to an outside device. At first it seemed as simple as downloading the Google Cardboard SDK, […]

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Fabulous Fireworks aka Struggling with Particle Systems

When we built the beginnings of fireworks in class, I found myself endlessly tweaking them to make them “pretty.” Although I’m currently into game design, I knew the firework aesthetic struck a chord in me more than the pong game […]

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Lost Bear

LOST BEAR   For our first homework assignment, we needed to find an object that tells a story. My choice was a lost teddy bear.   WHY IS IT COMPELLING? The reason I picked a lost bear is there’s inherently […]

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