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Andrew Milmoe came to speak at NYU ITP this week about interaction design at GE Digital. The UX of the type of systems he works on is pretty incredible. Since we need to build a UX project about anything that we want, why not do it for something interesting, difficult and real? I immediately accosted Andrew after the talk to see if I could do a GE system for the project. He told me it sounds like a great idea!

I am a little worried about the scope of the project — and Andrew is currently on vacation so I’m not sure how quickly he can send me the materials I need to start — but if this works out I am very, very excited to take a crack at interaction design for a real product at GE. Their internet of things is on such a grand scale, they have their own version of the internet called the Industrial Internet. It was some of the most interesting UX I have ever thought about attempting. The next step is Andrew will send me a few options of subjects he believes won’t be too big for me to handle in a short time. I will pick the subject I’m most interested in and he will provide the materials for me to begin. Fingers crossed he doesn’t get too busy to follow through!