This assignment terrified me a bit. I have been thinking about how to brand myself during and post ITP for a while now. My background as a writer, filmmaker and director still earns me money and my years spent on […]
Read MoreThis week I revisited “Don’t eat the poo!” with an eye at cleaning up the code, but I also wanted to change a few images. For one thing, I feared the pink color mixed with a tongue made it look […]
Read MoreThere were many labs this week that helped me better understand programming the Arduino. The first was using photosensors to control the sound out of a speaker. After spending much time using the photosensor last week, it was the type […]
Read MoreAs I was going through the different brand logos, more than one caught my eye. Some are iconic, others all pervasive, but I wanted one that was more recent than the age old stalwarts of good branding. This brought me […]
Read MoreWhy eat healthy? Because that’s the only way you can win! I was partnered up for this week’s ICM project with the lovely Becca Ricks. we agreed on the premise within minutes of talking about the project. I even convinced […]
Read MoreI started with the two labs for the week. The first lab involved coding a switch to change between two LEDs on the breadboard. It required the code below. And setting up the Arduino and the breadboard as pictured […]
Read MoreThe first part of this assignment was to write my name in six different fonts that were representative of my personality. This led to hours upon hours of perusing and I am still not fully satisfied with my choices. I […]
Read MoreI went to the Museum of Natural History in search of interactive kiosks. My friend Angela decided to come along. We expected to pick one of the dinosaur installations, but a “Send a Video” kiosk at the Hayden Planetarium caught […]
Read MoreUpon approaching this assignment, I thought about generative artwork, but the truth is my brain struggles with that type of concept. I am much stronger at setting a scene or telling a story so I decided to make a cute […]
Read MoreI started off learning all of the different parts in my Arduino kit. The time spent on this proved endlessly valuable for the rest of the labs. Then I moved on to the labs. A friend happened to have a […]
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